Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

At BCITS Pvt Ltd, we specialize in providing top-tier system integration services tailored to the unique needs of electricity, water, and gas utilities. Our comprehensive solutions encompass everything from smart metering to advanced analytics, ensuring seamless operations and enhanced efficiency.

why choose

BCITS for Your Utility System Integration?

Cutting-Edge Technology
Cutting-Edge Technology
We leverage the latest innovations to deliver robust and scalable solutions.

Industry Expertise
Industry Expertise
Our experienced team understands the complexities of utility management and provides customized integration services.
End-to-End Services
End-to-End Services
From implementation to ongoing support, we offer a full range of services to ensure your systems operate flawlessly.

Our Offerings

Smart Meters
Smart Meters

Our smart metering solutions provide accurate,
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Utility Automation
Utility Automation

We offer comprehensive utility automation services
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Process Automations
Process Automations

We automate key processes to enhance operational
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Integration Services
Integration Services

We offer expert integration services that ensure
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GIS-Based Asset Mapping
GIS-Based Asset Mapping

Our Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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Large-Scale Integration Projects
Large-Scale Integration Projects

We specialize in managing large-scale integration projects
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Billing System Integration
Billing System Integration

We integrate advanced billing systems that streamline
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Utility CRM Implementation
Utility CRM Implementation

Our Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
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Prepaid System Implementations
Prepaid System Implementations

Our prepaid metering systems allow consumers
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AI-Based Analytics and Services
AI-Based Analytics and Services

Our AI-based analytics tools provide deep insights
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Benefits of Our System Integration Services