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bSmart UHES is a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Unified Head End System that acquires meter data and manages the connectivity of devices and communication. It brings power into the hands of utilities to manage field devices without human intervention and ensures cyber security. It collects, manages and delivers data reliably and effectively and also ensures adequate redundancies to have no single point of failure.

BCITS uses the latest and most accepted software technologies to build and deliver quality solutions. The system supports multiple communication media to enable a cost-effective solution for high-density areas. It integrates all the functions of the device in one place to exhibit a consolidated view for easy searching and data visualization and to make insightful decisions.


Provides Consolidated View
Provides Consolidated View

Works on Hybrid <br>Network
Works on Hybrid

Hot Swap from RF to Cellular
Hot Swap from RF to Cellular

Maintain device<br> integrity
Maintain device

Auditing for all user related activities
Auditing for all user related activities

End to End data<br> encryption
End to End data



The System monitors various statistical data such as Meter communication
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Meter Jobs
Meter Jobs

Numerous Meters configuration activities are executed, Such as ( clock setting
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Meter Operation
Meter Operation

It provides an option to operate on group of meters together
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Mesh Management
Mesh Management

Mesh management is a key to evaluate the activeness of installed gateway
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Relay Management
Relay Management

In order to control high voltage or high current passing, Switch is used for auto
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Swager UI
Swager UI

Various details such as access link, command /operation performed
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CDF Management
CDF Management

Enables standard CDF (Common Data Format) Management to exchange data
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Event and Alarm
Event and Alarm

It maintains the data of total number of alarm and event sent by meters each
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Meter Job Analysis
Meter Job Analysis

Overall meter job status analysis can be done based on job assigned to meters
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The system come up with various report for analysis such as communication
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Mobile HES
Mobile HES

The platform also supports legacy reading system i.e. if data of any meter
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Multiple Communication
Multiple Communication

bSmart HES is capable of supporting multiple communication network
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DLMS Component
DLMS Component

This module works as a library for OBIS code, Any new manufacturer specific
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Meter data Rejection
Meter data Rejection

Meter send all types of data (including number of junk values), This feature
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Data availability
Data availability

Total meter data of each day can be viewed for analysis based on type of
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Meter Particulars
Meter Particulars

A complete view of all the actions taken by meter are viewed, using
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Auto Discovery
Auto Discovery

Devices are deployed with specific IP and Ports that automatically gets
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Demand Response
Demand Response

The system generates On Demand Reading from devices in case of
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